HanishKVC’s General Blog zone

April 23, 2019

Oh Chrome oh ChromeOS (മേടം a o a)

Filed under: Blogroll,ChromeBook,ChromeOS,debian,emulation,linux,technology — hanishkvc @ 5:17 pm

Q1)(Need) Why tightly couple the browser update to full OS update on #Chrome OS?

Even thou you (#Google) do provide better and long term support (from feature and security perspectives)  to Chrome OS devices in general compared to many other product types out there, but because you many a times take atleast a month or so before the latest OS update gets perculated to some of the slow-support devices, aren’t they more exposed to the evils of the internetworked world for the duration between a updated OS+Browser gets released to the world and when the slow-support-devices get the update.

Or is it that security patchs are back ported to older versions for the slow-support-devices (I can see OP1 devices are in this category, among others)???

Q2)(Need) Why Not support encrypted removable storage devices by default in ChromeOS????

I understand that you are coming out with USB passthrough to the Crostini’s VM and inturn the containers. Not sure if a normal enduser will be able to use this path to work with encrypted removable storage devices, as containers don’t allow module loading flexibility. So unless you provide some direct end-user friendly access to the Crostini’s VM (currently they get dumped to the maya of maya) and or directly support encrypted storage, this wont work.

Also rather irrespective of whether one wants to work with Crostini or not, shouldn’t a ChromeOS user have access to encrypted removable storage from the OS itself. Sure with this mechanism one may not be able to use such devices with other OS’s like Windows or Mac to a great extent (Linux users can be relatively more lucky in many such cases), but atleast the end user as the flexibility to have secured removable storage atleast to themselves and a closed group of systems/users (if they so chose).

Q3)(Need/Want/… – go full hog) Why not provide a end-user controlled mechanism to selectively pass throu a network port from the ChromeOS environment to the Crostini Penguina???

Maybe you have some mechanism throu chrome://inspect. Have to cross check this yet. But otherwise, isn’t it something which would be useful, if you want to provide pretty good flexibility to the Crostini usage scenarios (which is either way for people with some experience with the way things work at one level, compared to a simple end-user), while still not compromising much because, You could link this port plumbing to user login. And on top eitherway the crostini and its children won’t start on its own by default, when a user logs in either.

Also support multicast both ways, when you are at it (if not already).


April 6, 2019

Tablets And Android And Chrome OS++

There is a Decent OS out there which can run from a smart watch to phones to tablets to laptops to computers to servers to cloud to … and its called Linux.

Equally it can support user interactions using commandline to graphical interactions to auditory commands to gestures to maya to …  inturn over a serial interface/screen/goggles/keyboard or mic/speaker or network/cloud or any combination there off …

And then from A – I (from ai to yeh hai) to P – I (piy hai)

Google uses it at the core of its Android and Chrome OS among others, but still refuses (or rather had been to a long time) to give it the place it and its facilities deserve. Thus unnecessarily curtailing the flexibility it can provide to its customers.

In its eager ness to provide a new paradigm of interactions with/between users as well as logics/stupidities/programs/…, Google fully blocked out the equivalent alternates from the user layer soliders of its platform and inturn its users.

And also may be ran out of time in providing similar stuff between the product developers and its alternate paradigm distribution ie Android.

Thankfully it has Atleast retained some sense with ChromeOS, ensuring that majority can move forward has new refinements and or stupidities are let loose into the world, as well as keeping a fighting chance to keep the cheapo devils out.

So ChromeOS gets relatively synchronised and for sufficiently long duration, updates (both feature and security) unlike in Android (except for the partial few trebblings here and there slowly). And now they have also (thanks to themselves and the wider open source community) moved along from the initial restricted to controlled web paradigm based apps (for other developers compared to themselves, where required) to Android to finally even Linux now, still in a relatively controlled & restricted mayas of mayas.

So it doesn’t make sense for anyone to go with the stupidly severly restricted (from possibilities of logic/stupidity oceans one can dip into) and let loose in the wild “Android” based tablets at one level. Where one will be stuck with …

If only Google comes out of its current obsessive blinded mold of pushing only high end vehicles of usage of its efforts/services (that to in places where many can afford what ever it pleases) and start serving the common among us across the world …





Disappearing Keystrokes & US Intl Keyboard AND Chrome OS / ChromeBook / OS’s In general

Filed under: Android,Blogroll,bluetooth,ChromeBook,ChromeOS,linux,technology — hanishkvc @ 5:23 pm

Now if one has specified the their keyboard layout as belonging to “US International”,

then by default be prepared to having to press certain keys like [~] [`] [“] [‘] [^] twice to get it to be recognised, be it in ChromeOS/Chromebook (where I found this issue) or in other OS’s in some situations.

The simplest solution to fix this is to revert your Keyboard layout to the normal US layout or UK layout or what ever simple / standard version that your keyboard actually corresponds to.

The issue is bcas US International keyboard uses keystroke combinations which include these keys along with other keys to help enter certain additional characters like assented chars.



Why oh painful Google, again

Filed under: Blogroll,Google,Internet,life,protest,technology — hanishkvc @ 5:10 pm

Google in its infinite wisdom has decided to close Google+, after initially asking people to get on the Google+ bandwagon.

So the few thoughts some of us might have poured over in Google+ is gone for now, unless one finds his own multi step methods to move those into other places.

Ideally @Google should have given options to transition the content in there by its users into other Google and or popular 3P services. But then who can question Google, when it decides this is the best way to do things, irrespective of whether it makes logical sense or not or is buggy or not or ….

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